Category: Benchmarking
Category: Benchmarking

IT benchmarking: uncovering optimisation potential
IT Benchmarking ist ein effektives Werkzeug zur Aufdeckung von Optimierungspotenzialen in der IT. Durch gezielte Analyse lassen sich konkrete Handlungsfelder identifizieren, die signifikante Verbesserungen ermöglichen. In diesem Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen einige dieser Handlungsfelder und Optimierungshebel konkret auf.
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Case Study: Performance of IT products
If you really know the performance of your IT, you know where there is potential for optimization and can consciously work on this to increase value. The instrument of choice here is IT benchmarking. Here we use a case study from our practice to show how IT benchmarking can look in practice.

IT Benchmarking – Determine your starting position!
In IT benchmarking, we compare the performance of your company's IT services with those of another. The aim is to identify optimization potential and derive recommendations on how to improve performance in your company.

Case study: Positioning and orientation with IT benchmarking
In this article, we use an example from our practice to show you how IT benchmarking can be used to determine your own position and make a course correction.