IT Benchmarking.

Do you know where your IT stands compared to your competitors? With the help of IT benchmarking, you not only objectively determine your current status quo, but also uncover potentials and risks on which you can work concretely and consistently increase the value contribution of your IT.

IT benchmarking focuses on the use of information obtained from cost or price benchmarking as a guide for digital investments. In the cost benchmark, the actual expenses of the company are determined and ranked in comparison with competitors. On the other hand, the price benchmark relates market prices to standardised services. This results in concrete recommendations for action regarding the deployment and selection of service providers, investment decisions and competitive strategies. The BAMAC Group has access to data from more than 12,000 national and international projects.

Clarity about the current situation and existing weaknesses can improve the performance of the IT system in a targeted manner.

Our solutions can be divided into the following categories:

Price and cost benchmark

Before an investment decision is made, the question of the most efficient IT solution arises. The price benchmark helps you to make the right decision by comparing purchase prices.
In contrast, the cost benchmark is used to assess the costs of production in the company’s own organization.
Our services focus on the benchmarks for:

  • IT infrastructures
  • IT applications
  • IT processes
  • Organization

Several people sit at a wooden table and take part in a meeting. Most have notepads and pens in front of them, while one person wears a wristwatch. The scene is brightly lit by the incoming daylight.
Two men stand in front of a transparent board on which various words and diagrams are written with a white marker. The man in the foreground is writing something, while the man in the background is looking at the blackboard. The scene takes place in a modern, well-lit room.

Global transfer pricing in the

Over the years, transfer pricing has become one of the biggest tax challenges for multinational groups. After carrying out a benchmark, it is possible to determine the company’s internal average prices. This results, for example, in recommendations for the internal weighting of IT resources.

Digital Performance Champion

A key competence in digitalization and therefore a competitive factor is the ability to successfully provide software. This includes both the development of individual solutions and the provision of standard software (SAP, non-SAP). Knowledge of and, as a result, comparison with third-party performance provide important indications of the company’s own capacities and capabilities. As a result, this provides an indication of suitable sourcing partners.

The aim of the Digital Performance Champion initiative is to make a global comparison of companies in order to determine the highest performance in terms of speed and costs for a comparable range of functions.

We use the BAMAC Performance Matrix as an instrument for this.

A man in a suit stands in front of a meeting table and speaks to three other people who are sitting at the table and listening to him. There are various documents and diagrams on the table, as well as a cup and a glass of water. A large flat-screen TV hangs on a wooden wall in the background.
Wie schlägt sich Ihre IT im Benchmark?
Wir helfen Ihnen gern dabei, den Status Quo Ihrer IT zu ermitteln und so Optimierungspotentiale aufzudecken, Kosten einzusparen und die Effektivität zu erhöhen. Wir freuen uns mit Ihnen in Kontakt treten zu dürfen.

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